
What kind of work is Trestle Ties looking for?

We accept photographic journalism, visual art, poetry, essays, reviews, satire, fiction, non-fiction, and interviews!
We review all work received.
We regret that we cannot give individual criticism to all submissions.

Does Trestle Ties accept previously published work?

No. We cannot consider anything that has been previously published or accepted for publication, anywhere, in any form.

When is the next submission period?

The Issue Seven submission period will be announced soon!

Submission Guidelines -

General Submission Guidelines

Text-based work must be in a single PDF or Word-formatted document.
Please include writer's name and email address on all pages of the submitted file in the header.

Image-based work should be submitted in a common format that is best for the work (jpeg, tiff, png, etc). If accepted, we will work with you on final image versions for the web.
Include the artist's name in the filename for all images.

Submssions in violation of these guidelines will not be considered.


We consider original poems written in the English language as well as translations of poetry into English.
Please submit no more than 3 poems, not exceeding five pages in total.
Poems must be separated by titles or page breaks. Use only spaces in your submitted works, never tabs. This allows us to accurately reproduce your work on the web.

Nonfiction, Fiction, and Essay

Trestle Ties welcomes and publishes distinctive topical essays and personal creative nonfiction of any kind; this includes pieces that might fit into the memoir, travel, and historical nonfiction categories. We are not an academic journal and publish for a general readership. Above all, we are interested in publishing work that surprises and intrigues us and in turn we hope that it will captivate our readers imagination.
Submit one essay of up to 3,000 words, or submit up to three shorter essays (500-1,000 words each).
Fiction and non-fiction can be up to 1,500 words.
Please let us know how long your piece is in your cover letter.


Trestle Ties publishes interviews with writers of all kinds: literary, academic, journalistic, and popular. Please include a cover letter specifying your credentials for the interview. Interviews should be 1,000 words or less.
Please let us know how long your interview piece is on your cover letter.

Reviews and Review Essays

Trestle Ties publishes reviews of current fiction, poetry, and nonfiction books, especially those from writers with an innovative approach to subject matter. Several related works may be reviewed at more length in a review essay that engages critical issues not appropriate to a single review. We are always in search of new reviewers.
Please include a cover letter specifying your credentials for the review or review essay.


5-10 photos and the story that is being portrayed.
500-1,000 words.

Visual Art

3-5 pieces of art along with artist statement.

Hybrid Works

Trestle Ties welcomes hybrid works. Please specify the nature of the hybrid your cover letter.
Please let us know how long your Hybrid piece is on your cover letter.


Submission up to 500-1,000 words
Please let us know how long your play is on your cover letter.

How do I submit?

Submissions are now closed. Please check back for the next submission period.

Other details

We will try to let you know about acceptance as soon as possible. Please give us at least a month after the submission closing date before inquiring about your submission.

Thank you for trusting us with your work. We hope you enjoy Trestle Ties.